Podcast Favorites


For some reason I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted– even if it’s really only been a week.  I guess that’s what happens when life gets crazy!

Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen multiple people posting on social media and asking for the best podcasts to listen to.  Because I’ve seen so many questions, I’ve decided to create a post and share with you my favorite podcasts.

I listen to podcasts because I believe they are such a great way to uplift your spirit and educate your mind– even on-the-go!  I love listening to podcasts while I’m driving, while I’m getting ready in the morning (and sometimes afternoon, whoops!), and while I’m cooking or cleaning.

Here is a list of the podcasts that have made the biggest difference in my life!  I hope you enjoy. 💗

  1. Nutrition Redefined by Stephane Webb:  I love this podcast because it SPEAKS TO MY SOUL.  I’m not even kidding.  Stephanie is a nutrition mastermind and I love her healthy outlook on food!  She believes that food should enhance your life, not control it.  This podcast is for anyone and everyone who has struggled with body image, eating habits, or weight control.
  2. Sounds Good with Branden Harvey:  This one is full of so much goodness!  Branden focuses on the positive things about life and interviews people from all over the world who are making a positive difference.  Ever need a pick-me-up?  This one is for you.
  3. Super Soul Sunday by Oprah Winfrey:  I. LOVE. THIS PODCAST. (Get my joke?  If not click here.) But in all seriousness Oprah is queen!  She interviews people who have unique stories to tell on topics that truly strengthen your soul.  This podcast is so inspiring!  I’ve been brought to tears with this one.
  4. The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes:  The School of Greatness is for all my hustlers!  After listening to this podcast I always feel motivated to tap into my personal greatness and become the best version of myself.  Lewis interviews many famous men and women to hear their story and find out how they got to where they are now!

Do you have any favorite podcasts?  Let me know in a comment below!  I’m always on the hunt for new podcasts to listen to.


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